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無聲 Still



The collection “ Still ” was inspired by an incident of artist Wang Yu’s trip traveling the roads of
northern Europe. He mumbled to himself as he fall down a hill after the small crash.
“I always wondered what it looks like on the edge of a dream.”
“The sky is no longer the sky, earth no longer earth, all in a blur.”
“There’s not a sound here.”
“Actually there is, so loud, it’s coming from inside of me.”
“It is, reality.”



藝術家簡介 Bio 

王昱,觀念藝術家,電影導演。在將近十年的創作生涯裡,累積了許多美麗且曖昧的作品。他獨特的攝影風格以探索人性的本質特徵為重, 作品時常取樣自人對於真實世界的錯誤判斷, 和暗示夢的語言所刻劃出俐落的濃霧感。近年專注於發展水墨概念與劇本寫作。


Wang Yu, born in 1987 Taipei, Taiwan. A conceptual artist and film director. Within his ten years creative career he had produced a number of romantically ambiguous works. His unique aesthetic in photography focuses on exploring the characteristics of human nature, taking his inspiration from people’s distorted judgments towards the physical world, sharp yet foggy, he draws a hint of the language of dreams. In recent years he devotes his research into Chinese ink and scriptwriting.


More about the artist:
